Ubuntu Gutsy 7.10 on Dell inspiron 6400/9400 laptop

Cedric Lagneau
24 October 2007

Table of Contents

1. Laptop features

Here is another tips for dell laptop support on ubuntu. (see http://debian.helicroc.com/inspiron.html for feisty version).

I've tested two similar laptop hardware.

Here are some fix for tools/ tweaks to have a better laptop support.

Now with compiz 0.6 inside Gutsy and newer ATI driver 8.42.3 AIGLX works !
I've not found how to tweaks or configure fglrx to have suspend/hibernate support (ubuntu driver version and last amd/ati 8.42.3).

Dell inspiron 6400
1.8GHz dual core processor
1280x800 widescreen
ATI X1400 mobility 128MB
1024MB Ram
ipw3945 wireless

Dell inspiron 9400
1.66GHz dual core2 processor
1440x900 true life widescreen
ATI X1400 mobility 128MB
1024MB Ram
ipw3945 wireless

2. Gutsy Installation

There is no more X detection problem. So you can install Gutsy with alternate or live cd without "tricks".

3. Suspend / Hybernate

 for now with fglrx i've no hybernate / suspend support.

4. Ati powermod

 you can manually change ati power.
 aticonfig --lsp list all power mod available
 aticonfig --set-powerstate=x set power level (ati clock).

5. Tools / Tweaks

5.1. Dell fan control

5.2. Gnome system temperature applet

computertemp is now a universe ubuntu package.

5.3. Cpu frequency manually choice

 You can change cpu frequency with left mouse click on gnome cpu applet
 then allow superuser bit to cpufreq applet

5.4. AIGLX with Gutsy compiz 0.6 and ATI 8.42.3 drivers.

AIGLX provide 3D effects out of the box with composite support for ati r500 and r600 chipset.
AIGLX more stable release will be 8.43.x for a better support and less bug.

But ati 8.42.3 are not included in gutsy release so you need to compile them.

if you want to disable compiz just edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf files and change composite option from enable or 1 to disable or 0.
and restart X.

Contact :lagneau at ifrance.com